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Tourist Map of Switzerland, published by Swiss Federal Railways, Berne 1932.  Designed by Kümmerly & Frey, Berne. Switzerland Alpine Postal Motor Coaches - Summer 1935.  Published by the company, printed by Roto-Sadag S.A., Geneva. Offizielle Strassen-Informationskarte der Schweiz, circa 1935.  Printed by Vogt-Schild A.G., Solothurn. Schweizerische Landesaustellung Zürich, Mai-Oktober 1939 (Swiss State Exhibition).  Front cover.
Travel brochure to the Lake of Lucerne, circa 1932.  Published by the Lake of Lucerne Steamship Company. Chamonix-Mt. Blanc et sa vallé, 1931.  Published by the town, signed "Borline." Front cover. Chamonix-Mt. Blanc et sa vallé, 1931.  Published by the town, signed "Borline." Front cover. Schweizerische Landesaustellung Zürich, Mai-Oktober 1939 (Swiss State Exhibition).  Back cover.

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