Advertisement for Auto Škoda
from the Czech magazine "Salon," 1929. Unsigned. |
Gaebler Land - Strassen Atlas
von Deutschland, circa 1932. |
"Wirtschaftlishes Fahren,"
(Economical Driving), 1937. Booklet published by the Adlerwerke A.G.,
Frakfurt a. M. |
"Mafyaroszág új Autotérképe"
(New Road Map of Hungary), 1934. Published by Shell kőolaj rt.,
Budapest. |
Advertisement for Auto Škoda
from the Czech magazine "Salon," 1929. Signed "Ra." |
Advertisement for Motalin Motor
Oil, from Gaebler Land
- Strassen Atlas von Deutschland, circa 1932. |
"Aero, malý
vůz pro velké cesty!" (Aero, a small car for big trips!), 1934.
Published by Fr. Řivnáče, Praha. Cover design probably by
František Zelenka. For a
related image click here.
Advertisement for "Agrippina
Versicherungen," Agrippina Auto Insurance, 1936. |