Brochure for
"Moderne Kunst aus Privat Besitz, 9 April / Mai 1922, Leipziger
Kunstverein" (Modern Art from Private Collections, April 9 - May 1922,
Leipzig Art Society). Signed "Mathéy." This was the item that
sent me down the rabbit hole.....
Georg Alexander Mathéy (1884-1968) was a painter and author, and a famous
graphic artist. Between 1920 and 1929 he was a professor at the "Staatlichen
Akademie für Buchgewerbe und Graphik" [National Academy for the Book-Trade
and Graphic Arts] in Leipzig, Germany, and director of the "Werkstätten
für Buch- und Steindruck" [Workshop for Book Design, Typography and
Lithography] at Leipzig, Germany. Thanks to Roland in Germany for this
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